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Project 3: Abstract art with kd-trees

  • Assigned: Monday, February 20
  • Due: Wednesday, March 1st, 11:59pm
  • Group policy: Partner-optional
  • Collaboration policy: Level 1

In this assignment you will write code to build a two-dimensional kd-tree for a set of points in the plane, and to render it in Mondrian style.


There are several parts to this asignment: building the kd-tree, rendering it, and fine-tuning the initial points and colors to make it look artistic or interesting.

Your program will take as argument on the command line the number of points. For example,

    [ltoma@lobster] ./mondrian 100

means that it will generate a Mondrian-like painting on n=100 points.

For this asignment, make your point2D store the coordinates as doubles, not ints.

Your default initializer will generate the set of points randomly. Feel free to add several initializers; in fact, you could start with all the initializers you had for Project 2. For consistency, assume the range of the coordinates is [0; 1,000,000] (this value should be A CONSTANT, of course).

Representing the kd-tree

You will need to define a data structure for a kd-tree. Since a kd-tree is a binary tree, we can use a similar recursive node structure as for a binary tree. Basically a tree consists of nodes, where a node stores some information about the node and pointers to its left and right child.

A kd-tree node will need to know its type (is it a regular node or a leaf node); if a leaf node, it will need to know the point inside it; otherwise, if a vertical node, it will need to know the x-value of the vertical line through it; if a horizontal node, it will need to know the y-value of the horizontal line through it.

An example of a kd-tree node is below (feel free to modify it as needed).

typedef struct _treeNode {
	point2D p;
	          /* If this is a leaf node,  p represents the point stored in this leaf. 
                  If this is not a leaf node,  p represents the horizontal or vertical line
                  stored in this node. For a vertical line, p.y is ignored. For a horizontal 
		  line, p.x is ignored.
	int type;
		  / * this can be HORIZONAL, VERTICAL, or LEAF
                    depending whether the node splits with a horizontal line or  vertical line.
                    (note: this should be an enum).
	treeNode  *left, *right;
		/* left/below and right/above children. */
} treeNode; 

A kd-tree will store the pointer to the node that’s the root of the tree. It’s useful to store the number of points in the tree, and also the height, so we’ll do that:

typedef struct _kdtree{
   treeNode *root;     //root of the tree
   int n;              //number of leaves/points  in the tree
   int height;         //its height
} kdTree;

In C++, it will look more like this:

class TreeNode {
     point2D *p; 
     int type; 
     TreeNode *left, *rigt; 
     TreeNode(point2d p); 

class Kdtree {
     TreeNode *root; 
     int count ;  //number of leaves/points in the tree
     int height;     
     Kdtree(vector<point2d>& points); //build the kd-tree from the points 

Building a kd-tree

The main function on a kd-tree will be to construct it from a vector of points. Start by writing the basic primitives for operating on a treeNode and on a kdTree (such as creating a treeNode, printing a node, printing a tree, and so on)—this last one will come in handy for debugging.

In addition to printing all nodes in a kd-tree, include a function that prints some basic info about the kd-tree (the number of nodes and its height), but not all the nodes. You will call this function after you build the tree to see basic info about the tree.

The function to build a kd-tree will take the array of points as parameter. In C-style it might look like this:

/* Build a kd-tree for the set of points, where each leaf cell contains  1 point.    
   Return a pointer to the tree.
kdTree*  build_kdtree(vector<point2d> & points)

If you create a class, you’d have a constructor that does this:

     Kdtree(vector<point2d>& points);  

Note: Since your coordinates are doubles and you generate the points randomly, its unlikely that you’ll get coincident points in your set of points (if your coordinates are ints, you’ll need to consider this issue). Below we assume that the points are distinct.

The first step in building a kd-tree from points is to sort the points by x-coord and by y-coord , respectitvely (check out std::sort for sorting vectors).

vector<point2d> points-by-x, vector<point2d> points-by-y;

When using std::sort, you will need to pass as a third parameter a function that compares two elements, and returns true if the first element is to be considered smaller than the second element, and false otherwise.

Note that points that have same x-coordinate or same y-coordinate can cause issues with the partition depending on how you handle ties. To handle these cases elegantly think of using a comparison function that orders the points lexicographically (compare the first coordinate, and if equal, compare the second coordinate). With a lexicographic ordering, the only ties are for duplicate points (of which we assumed there are none).

//return true  if a < b 
//orders the points lexicographically by (x,y)
bool leftToRightCmp(const point2d & a, point2d & b) {
//return true  if a < b
//orders the points lexicographically by (y,x)
bool bottomToTopCmp(const point2d& a, const point2d& b) {

Once you sort the points left-to-right, and bottom-to-top, you will want to pass these to a helper function to build the kd-tree recursively. It might look something like this:

treeNode* build_kdtree_rec(vector<point2d> & points-sorted-by-x, 
                           vector<point2d>& points-sorted-by-y, 
			   int cut_type)

This helper function should build the kd-tree recursively. It should probably take the type of the cut as a parameter and use it to decide whether to split vertically or horizontally.

Degenerate cases

You want to stop the recursion when the node contains 1 point. The main challenge will be make sure the recursion always stops (no infinite recursion).

The median is the value in the middle index of the sorted array (sorted by x or by y, depending on the type of node). One way to set up the recursive calls is to put all points with x-coord smaller or equal to the median to the left, and the others on the right. Think of what happens when you have points with same coordinates, for example consider the case of points on the same vertical line. All x-coordinates are the same, and if you distribute all the points with x-coord smaller or equal to the median to the left, all points end up on the left side. You need to think if its possible to generate infinite recursion.

For e.g. consider the points (2,6), (3,6), (3,5) examined in the x-coordinate. Middle point is (3,6). But the third’s point x-value is also 3, so it will go on the left side. Thus this passes the entire array to the next level. Then we examine them in the y-coordinate: (3,5), (3,6), (2,6) Middle point is (3,6). But the third point has same y-coord as the median, which means it will also go on the left side. Thus this passes entire array to next level again, i.e. infinite recursion. These points are not coincident but are collinear in just the wrong way to cause infinite recursion.

There are other ways to handle this, but an elegent way is to use the leftToRightCmp() instead of just comparing by x. In leftToRight order, no two points are equal (unless there are duplicate points, which we assume there aren’t). All points before the median are strictly smaller than the median in leftToRight order. Put differently, a point p goes to the left of the median if p is smaller than the median in leftToRight order, and goes to the right of the median otherwise. This way the points have an ordering with no ties and there is no infinite loop. Using a comparator with no ties makes it all work very nicely.

Maintaining points-sorted-by-x and points-sorted-by-y through the recursive calls

Once you have the median of the points, you will want to partition the points into P1 and P2 —-the sets of points before and after the median. And, you’ll need sorted versions of these sets to pass to the recursive calls:

vector<point2d>  P1-sorted-by-x, P1-sorted-by-y, P2-sorted-by-x, P2-sorted-by-y; 

You could generate P1 and P2 and sort them. Overall this sort at each step of the recursion would result in an overall O(n lg 2 n) time for building the kd-tree, which is not optimal.

Instead, you want to sort the points only once, at the beginning. For each of P1 and P2, you can generate the points in P1 and P2 in left-to-right and bottom-to-top order simply by traversing points-sorted-by-x and points-sorted-by-y.

For example, if you at a node with a horizontal split, P1-sorted-by-x and P2-sorted-by-x are the first and second half of P1-sorted-by-x, respectively. The points in P1-sorted-by-y and P2-sorted-by-y can be generated by traversing P-sorted-by-y and comparing each point to the median:

if leftToRightCmp(p, median) == true: p goes to P1-sorted-by-y
else p goes to P2-sorted-by-y

Rendering the kd-tree

Using code from previous assignments, set up OpenGL and write a function to render the kd-tree so that it looks similar to a Mondrian painting. Basically, you will want to draw a filled rectangle/polygon for each leaf node, corresponding to the region of that leaf. One way I can think of doing this is storing the region of a node with each node; another way is to compute the region of a node on the fly: make your recursive draw function take as parameter the bounding box of the region corresponding to the node it is called upon. The input points are generated in the range [0,WINDOWSIZE] x [0, WINDOWSIZE]. This is the region of the root.

What and how to turn in

You will receive the assignment on GitHub, but there will be no startup code. To submit, simple push your code into your github repository for this assignment. Don’t forget to add a README file with a brief, high-level description of the project (one paragraph).

Do not turn in any object or executable files.


Your code will be evaluated on the correctness of the algorithm, on the visual appeal of the image, and on the structure and quality of your code.

Start early, program well and enjoy the proces!