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Project 1: Finding the closest pair –two algorithms and an experimental evaluation

  • Assigned: Thursday, January 26
  • Due: Monday, February 6, 11:59pm
  • Group policy: Partner-optional
  • Collaboration policy: Level 1

In this assignment you will write code to find the closest pair of a set of points in the plane using two methods, and you will perform an experimental evaluation of the two methods. The goal is to explore the connection between theory and practice, to learn what quadratic complexity means in practice, to go from an idea to a working algorithm, and to get some practice designing your code from scratch.


The first algorithm you will implement is the naive, quadratic algorithm.

For the second algorithm, you will not implement the optimal divide-and-conquer algorithm, but instead you will develop an approach based on a widely used heuristic, gridding (described below). Gridding does not give good worst-case guarantees, but, under certain assumptions about the data, it is (very) efficient. Another plus of gridding is that it can be used for many other problems, not just for the closest pair.

The gridding heuristic

Imagine you know the bounding box (BB) that contains the points. The BB is specified by two x-values, x1 and x2, and two y-values, y1 and y2, such that all the points p in P are inside this box: x1 <= p.x <= x2 and y1 <= p.y <= y2. The idea is to partition this BB using a grid of k-by-k cells, for a given value k. For example, if k=2, you divide the BB with a vertical line at x =(x1+x2)/2 and with a horizontal line at y = (y1+y2)/2, thus getting a partition of the BB into a 2-by-2 grid.

Next we want traverse the points, for each point p find which grid cell it belongs to, and add it to that cell. At the end the grid will contain all points in P, nicely stored in the cells they belong to.

Using the grid to find the closest pair of points

You will need to come up with an algorithm to compute the closest pair in P. Let p be an arbitrary point in P. You’ll want to compute the closest neighbor of p. Denote this point by q. There are two casses to consider:

  1. Point q is in the same cell as p.
  2. Point q is in a different cell. Which grid cells would you search for q, first?

Consider the possibility that a cell may be empty, and specificaally that all cells that you search first are empty. How would you continue the search for q in this case?

The bounding box of the points

Generally speaking you will want to compute the bounding box of your point set. In this project, however, you will generate the points yourself, and when doing so you will specify a range. For example, you might generate x coordinates in the range [ 100, 200] aand y-coordinaates in the range [-200, 200]. This means the BB is x1=100, x2=200, y1=-200, y2=200.

The interface of your code

  • You will generate the set of points randomly. Assume they have real coordinates. For consistency, assume the range of the coordinates is [0; 1,000,000].

  • The number of points, n, should be read as a command line argument. For example,

      [ltoma@lobster] ./closest 100

means that it will generate and compute on n=100 points.

  • Make your functions print out the time they take to run. That way you can run your code with increasingly larger values for n and record the results.

  • Implement the functions that compute the closest pair as two separate functions, one corresponding to the naive algorithm and one to the gridded approach. For example,

//compute and print the closest pair in P using the naive algorithm 
void closest_naive( array of points P)

//compute and print the closest pair in P using a gridded approach
void closest_grid( array of points P)

Note that (unless you use vectors) you’ll also need to pass in the size of the array.

  • Make each function print the points that are closest so that it’s easy to compaare and check that the two functions actually find the same pair.

  • For the gridded approach, use a grid of k-by-k cells. You will neeed to choose the value of k in order to make the algorithm efficient (note that for k=1, the gridded approach is the saame as the naaive approach). Because the points are uniformly distributed, you can estimate for e.g. how many points you expect to fall in each cell. Think of how you would go about finding the closest pair, and how the number of points per cell may influence it. Using this insight, what value of k do you pick?

  • Ideally, your code will work correctly for any value of k you choose<. That is, it will work if you set k=1, and will work if you set k to such a large value that most of the cells will be empty; for example k=n will mean most cells will be empty since there are n2 cells and n points.

  • The value of k is either specified by the user on the command line along with n, or is a global variable that you can set at the top of your file.

Experimental evaluation

Denote the number of points by n. Generate sets of increasingly larger size sizes, and time both methods separately, until the difference in running times is significant. For e.g. you could pick

n=10, 100, 1000, 10000, ...

and so on, until one of the algorithms becomes too slow. Time each method separately, and record the running times in a table.

What and how to turn in

You will receive the assignment on GitHub, but there will be no startup code. Push your code into your github repository for this assignment.

Files: For this lab, write your code in a single file and call it closestPair.c. Add a header file, closestPair.h, a Makefile and a README.

The README file should contain:

  • a brief, high-level description of how you find the closest pair using the grid
  • a brief decsription of how you chose the grid size and why, and what’s the expected running time assuming the points are uniformly distributed
  • the table with the experimental running times of your two algorithms, for various values of n

Do not turn in any object or executable files.


Your code will be evaluated on the correctness of the two algorithms, on the completeness of the README file (whether it includes everything it’s suppossed to) and on the structure and quality of your code.